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2020 July Election of Directors Notice

Members are advised that the Club’s Annual General Meeting and the election of Directors will be conducted as follows:

The Club has set the date for this year’s Annual General Meeting for Thursday 30th July 2020.  The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Bardia Room at 7.30 pm.

This Notice sets out important information about the election process and the ballot for the election of the Board of Directors of the Club.

The Club’s Chief Executive Officer is the Returning Officer for the election and the Australian Electoral Company are assisting with the conduct of the ballot.

Closing of the Roll of eligible members

The roll of eligible members will close at midnight on Friday 17th July 2020.


The triennial rule for the election of a board was introduced in 2013 when seven (7) directors were elected to the Board and then by a draw separated in to three (3) groups. Two (2) directors were drawn in Group 1 and elected for one (1) year, two (2) directors were drawn in Group 2 and elected for two (2) years and three (3) directors were drawn in Group 3 and elected for three (3) years.

The Group 1 Director positions are up for election this year. Nominations are invited from eligible (Service) members for the two (2) Director positions.

Because of the Constitution all two (2) of these positions can only be filled by Service Members or Honorary Life Members who were previously Service Members of the Club. Please also note that under the new Constitution the two (2) newly elected Directors and the existing other five (5) Directors shall meet as soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting to elect from amongst themselves a President, a Treasurer and two (2) Vice Presidents.

Opening of nominations

 Nomination forms are available from the Returning Officer between the hours of 10:00 am and 10:00 pm daily during the nomination period which shall be from 10.00 am on Wednesday 1st July 2020 until 10.00 pm on Wednesday 15th July 2020.

Completed nomination forms must be returned to the returning officer via the Duty Manager between the hours of 10.00 am and 10.00 pm daily during the nomination period.

Closing of nominations

Nominations for the position of director (Eligible Members) shall be made on the nomination form and shall be signed by 2 financial members and must be lodged with the Secretary no later than 10.00 pm on Wednesday 15th July 2020.  Each nomination must be accompanied by a recent 100 mm wide and 150 mm deep colour photograph of the nominee that will be posted along with the nominee’s name on the Club nomination board in the Club’s foyer.

A nomination cannot be withdrawn after this time and any anomaly in the nomination form must be rectified before this time.


To nominate, a candidate must be a financial member of the Club and have been a financial member of the Club for a continuous period of at least 3 years prior to nomination (see rule 26.4). 

A member shall not be eligible to nominate, stand for or be elected to the position of President of the Club unless he shall have been a member of the Board for a minimum period of two (2) years immediately prior to such nomination or election (see rule 26.5).

Any member nominating for the Board must first attend a Pre-Nomination Information Session held at the Club’s premises in order to be eligible to be elected to the Board (see rule 26.7). A pre-nomination session will be held in the Boardroom at the Club on Tuesday 30th June 2020 at 6pm.

Rules 26.8 and 26.9 of the Constitution also set out some disqualifying factors on nomination and each candidate must refer to those rules. Copies of the rules will be attached to the nomination form.

Should more than the required number of nominations be received a draw will be conducted by the Returning Officer to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper at the Club’s premises at 10am, Thursday 23rd July 2020.  Candidates or their representatives and other members are invited to witness the draw.


If a ballot is necessary, voting will be conducted over the following dates and at the following times:

  • Friday 24th July 2020 – 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
  • Saturday 25th July 2020 – 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
  • Sunday 26th July 2020 – 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
  • Monday 27th July 2020 – 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
  • Tuesday 28th July 2020 – 10.00 am to 8.00 pm

The results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 30th July 2020.

 Note to members regarding financial queries:

Members who wish to raise any queries or seek information at the Annual General Meeting about the Financial Report or other matters pertaining to the affairs of the Club, are asked to give the Chief Executive Officer notice in writing of their queries or requests by Friday 24th July 2020. This will enable properly researched replies to be prepared for the benefit of Members.

Any enquiries concerning this election should be directed to the Club’s Chief Executive Officer.

Glenn Cushion

Chief Executive Officer

Returning Officer

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