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Game on at the Ingleburn RSL Darts Club

Every Wednesday and Friday you’ll find the members of the Ingleburn RSL Darts Club in the Rick Madden Lounge enjoying a game of darts. With 35 members and growing, a recent ClubGRANT of $4,500 will go towards prize money and help to attract new members to play.

More than darts

As with any social club or activity, what draws people to join is often social connection. Yes, they enjoy the game/sport/activity but what keeps them coming back is the community and the chance to belong to something.

That’s certainly the case at the Ingleburn RSL Darts Club.

“I started playing darts when I was 30,” says Greg Punkin, Ingleburn RSL Darts Club Secretary. “I had a friend who joined a darts competition and he dragged me along to play. I love darts but what I really look forward to is the social aspect of it.

“Many of our members are carers and coming along to play darts is their chance to have a break and do what they enjoy.”

At Ingleburn RSL Club, community is at the heart of everything we do. We’re proud to support so many social groups that are an integral part of the fabric of our community.

“Ingleburn RSL Club is a meeting place for people in our community,” says Glenn Cushion, Ingleburn RSL Club CEO. “Groups like the Darts Club give people something to be part of. This is what ClubGRANTS is all about, supporting and giving back to our community.”

Pumping up the prize pool

The ClubGRANT the Darts Club received will go straight to the prize pool for both the Wednesday night competition and Friday night social darts. The youngest member of the club is in their 20s and the oldest is in their 80s so all ages and all abilities are welcome.

“Part of our growth comes from word of mouth but the prize money also helps,” adds Greg. “We’re thankful to the Ingleburn RSL Club not only for the ClubGRANT that funds the prize money but also for the space they provide us to play.”

If you’re up for a good atmosphere where the darts game is good and the company is even better, you can join the Darts Club on Wednesday and Friday nights from 8pm. It costs $3 to play with prize money up for grabs. Learn more about the teams and socials that are part of the Ingleburn RSL Club community.

One Membership Means
Access To Two Clubs

One membership gives you loads of access! Including Ingleburn RSL Club and Tabatinga Fun and Social Centre plus our Ingleburn Bowling Club.