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Notice to members regarding proposed amalgamation and expressions of interest and unsolicited merger offers


Pursuant to Section 17AE of the Registered Clubs Act and Clause 4(5) of the Registered Clubs Regulation,

Pursuant to Section 17AE of the Registered Clubs Act and Clause 4(5) of the Registered Clubs Regulation,

the members of lngleburn RSL Sub-Branch Club Limited (the Club) are hereby notified that:

  1. On 20 June 2023 the Club called for expressions of interest in amalgamation on the basis that it would be the parent club (continuing club) in the amalgamation.
  2. The Club received expressions of interest in amalgamation from:
    (a) Club Redfern Limited (Club Redfern); and
    (b) Northmead Bowling Club Limited.
  3. The Board of the Club has decided to enter into an amalgamation with Club Redfern.
  4. The Club will be the continuing club in the amalgamation and Club Redfern will be the dissolving club in the amalgamation.
  5. The Club and Club Redfern will shortly enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) containing the terms of the proposed amalgamation.
  6. A copy of the MOU will be made available to members on the Club’s noticeboards and on the Club’s website at least twenty one (21) days before the General Meeting at which members will vote on the proposed amalgamation.
  7. After the MOU is executed, the Club and Club Redfern will convene separate general meetings for members to vote on the proposed amalgamation.
  8. A Notice of General Meeting will be sent to members so that it is received at least twenty (21) clear days before the General Meeting.
  9. A copy of the Notice of General Meeting will also be displayed on the Club’s noticeboard and on the Club’s website.
  10. For the avoidance doubt, the Club has not received any other expressions of interest in amalgamation or unsolicited merger offers during the previous twelve (12) months (except for the expressions of interest from Club Redfern Limited and Northmead Bowling Club Limited set out in paragraph 2 above).

Dated 17th April 2024

One Membership Means
Access To Two Clubs

One membership gives you loads of access! Including Ingleburn RSL Club and Tabatinga Fun and Social Centre plus our Ingleburn Bowling Club.