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Ingleburn RSL Bridge Club scores with ClubGRANTS

When the Ingleburn RSL Bridge Club first started in 1977, the club was run from the garage of one of the members’ homes. Now run from the Ingleburn RSL Club, it was time for the Bridge Club to modernise with a new computerised scoring system. With a ClubGRANT of $7,955, they’re able to do just that. 

A more efficient and accurate experience

For those unfamiliar with bridge scoring, it’s traditionally done on a slip of paper called a traveller. In a game with 10 tables and three rounds, this means 30 pieces of paper circulating around the room for scoring. And then there’s the hour or so it takes to tally the scores once the evening is over. It’s a time-consuming task, and the manual nature can lead to unintentional errors. 

That all changes with the new computerised scoring system the Bridge Club is using. 

“Each table now has a handheld device to enter their score as they go,” explains Wayne Hillier, Ingleburn RSL Bridge Club Secretary. “In the past, people didn’t know the result until the scores were tallied and the results were posted on our website. Now, we have the result by the end of the session and can announce it immediately.”

Not only is this a more efficient and enjoyable experience for the members, it also helps to reduce manual errors that might otherwise occur.

“The scoring system also memorises all hands, which can be reviewed and replayed at a later date,” adds Wayne. “This is an invaluable tool for players wishing to improve their game and also as a teaching aid for instructing students.”

Bridging the gap to new members

With the majority of bridge clubs moving to computerised scoring, the new system will make the Ingleburn RSL Bridge Club more attractive to prospective members.

“We currently have around 60 members, but this new system will be enticing to established players and even to the next generation of players keen to learn,” explains Wayne.

“The impact of ClubGRANTS goes well beyond what the money is actually spent on,” says Ingleburn RSL Club CEO Glenn Cushion. “The Bridge Club is getting a new scoring system, but it’s more than that. It’s setting their club up for the future so new generations of players in the Ingleburn area can enjoy the game of bridge.”

If you’re a keen bridge player, you can join the Ingleburn RSL Bridge Club for their weekly sessions on Tuesday mornings. For new players keen to learn the game, one of the senior club members runs a guided play session once a month on Wednesday. For more information, visit the Bridge Club website.

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