Opened in January 2023, the Odyssey Family Recovery Centre is one of the only AOD residential rehabilitation services of its kind in Australia. At the Family recovery centre, parents (including female, male and non-binary) can maintain and improve care of their children while undergoing treatment for dependence on alcohol and other drugs (AOD). Ingleburn RSL Club recently awarded Odyssey House with a $10,000 ClubGRANT, which will be used to expand and enhance the service.

Turning lives around
Since 1977, Odyssey has helped more than 45,000 people through a comprehensive network of specialised withdrawal and rehabilitation programs.
“Families benefit from safe accommodation and a structured program focusing on physical and mental health, education, and interpersonal, social and child development,” explains Jing Tong, Odyssey Philanthropy Manager. “The program helps families to break the cycle of generational AOD use within a safe, nurturing and positive environment that maintains the family unit. Research also suggests that parents are more likely to complete the AOD rehabilitation program when their children are with them.”
Through the program, parents develop new parenting skills and community connections in line with a family case plan tailored to their family situation. They receive support and guidance from case managers and participate in parents’ groups and Positive Parenting workshops. Every child has a wellbeing plan and receives psychological, paediatric and specialist support.
All of this is integrated with trauma informed rehabilitation services to help parents and families turn their lives around.

Helping more families
When the Odyssey Family Recovery Centre opened, it increased the capacity to double the number of families that Odyssey can accommodate. The ClubGRANT from Ingleburn RSL will help open the doors to more families in need. Funds will be used to purchase family supplies, kids furniture, play equipment and outdoor furniture. Odyssey will also recruit and train an additional case manager to support the families and children in the program.
“We are grateful to have the support of Ingleburn RSL Club, which allows us to meet the growing demand from the community,” adds Jing. “Your kindness will help these families to rebuild family relationships, reconnect and recover together.”
“We know this ClubGRANT will have a lifelong, positive impact on the families that complete this program,” adds Terry Goldsworthy, President of Ingleburn RSL Club. “That’s something every one of us can be proud of.”
Visit the Odyssey website to learn more about the work they do to reduce the impact of substance use on individuals, families, carers and communities.